There is an awakening in the United States that Lithium-Ion batteries cause fires and they can also explode. Lithium-Ion batteries (“LIBs”) are showing up in everything from cell phones to computer tablets, laptops, power-tools. electric vehicles, and home-energy storage banks attached to solar arrays. The benefit is that the Lithium-Ion batteries last longer and provide more power than their alkaline counterparts; however, when those Lithium-Ion batteries are damaged, over-charged or over-used they can lead to a phenomenon known as “thermal runaway”. This can lead to a voracious fire or explosion.
When a Lithium-Ion battery fire ignites a fire extinguisher will not usually be effective in extinguishing the fire. Water is also mostly ineffective against Lithium-Ion battery fires. Our interview of multiple first responders is that they do not have enough water on a typical fire truck to extinguish a Lithium-Ion battery—and they weren’t talking about the size of a Lithium-Ion battery array you would see in an electric vehicle. They are talking about an inability to control a Lithium-Ion battery fire that originates from an e-bike for instance.
In New York City, Lithium-Ion batteries, like those found in e-scooters and e-bikes, have been responsible for many fires and even multiple deaths. New York City Fire Department reported responding to more than 200 Lithium-Ion battery fires just in the year 2022 alone. Those Lithium-Ion battery fires caused six deaths. Almost all of those batteries were found to be previously damaged, misused or abused, or counterfeit. Damaged and unstable batteries, and those improperly charged, those improperly stored, or disposed of, can cause the batteries to overheat. Lithium-Ion battery fires are aggressive and spread rapidly, they can reignite and are very difficult to extinguish. The first responders talk about trying to separate the Lithium-Ion battery from the fire-engaged environment.
For victims and families who have suffered injuries and loss because of a Lithium-Ion Battery fire or explosion the manufacturers of products are not doing a good enough job of accurately advising the public of the danger of a purchase that contains a Lithium-Ion battery. Nor are the retail distributors doing a good enough job to advise their unsuspecting customers of the dangerous risk of having a product containing a Lithium-Ion battery.
Another danger of Lithium-Ion batteries is that counterfeit batteries are often not tested according to the applicable provisions of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria Part 3 sub-section 38.3 and present greater risks to the public. Many times products sold in the United States that contain the Underwriters’ Laboratory (or “UL”) seal are forgeries. It is commonly known that a foreign manufacturer can buy sheets of UL stickers to place on their products even though the products are not inspected or tested. It is difficult for a customer/purchaser to know what is a tested or safe Lithium-Ion battery product, and just because the product was purchased on-line—even from a nationally known store—it is not a guarantee that the product is fully vetted and safe.
If you or your family have suffered injury or loss due to a Lithium-Ion battery fire or explosion call us now. Many states hold the seller and distributor responsible for products that malfunction and cause injury. This means in many instances the injured person or family does not have to sue an offshore company when a Lithium-Ion battery malfunctions. Remember all of these products will be subject to a statute of limitations and it is therefore important that you proceed immediately to pursue your injury or damage claim or it can be forever barred.