What to Do if You Have Been Hurt in a Car Crash Caused by Sleep Deprivation

In the past year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has announced that sleep deprivation is a serious health problem. As the new health crisis, this has to do with the fact that so many millions of people across the United States do not get the recommended 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night.
This can have detrimental effects on their health, including increasing their chances of depression and anxiety.
The consequences can become catastrophic when a tired driver gets behind the wheel. When someone who is not paying appropriate attention, because they are tired, the accidents that result can be severe and life-changing. Many of the victims may suffer fatal injuries because of such an accident. A driver who falls asleep at the wheel may lose control of the car completely and may travel for several hundred feet before waking up.
No victim should be the one wondering how they’ll pay their bills and put this issue behind them- that should be the responsibility of the at-fault driver.
This can lead to multi-car collisions and accidents with severe injuries like spinal cord paralysis or TBIs. If you suspect that someone with sleep deprivation was a factor in an accident in which you were recently involved, you need to share these concerns directly with your personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after the accident has happened. This allows your personal injury lawyer to begin a car accident investigation and to engage other experts such as accident reconstruction specialists to look into the factors involved. The police reports and eyewitness statements may also serve as helpful information in your pursuit of justice with a legal claim.
You May Be Entitled To Compensation
You may be entitled to recover compensation to pay for your medical bills and other damages linked to the accident, but it is your willingness to hire the right personal injury lawyer and your attention to detail to hire someone sooner rather than later that can dramatically increase your chances of success in a personal injury claim. You cannot afford to wait if you believe that sleep deprivation was a factor in an accident in which you were recently hurt.