Pinellas County Bicycle and Pedestrian Deaths Increase

The number of bicycle deaths and pedestrian deaths is increasing in Pinellas County. Only a month (December 27, 2021 blog) ago we reported the bicycle crash numbers in the Tampa Bay area:
425 bicycle crashes and 13 fatalities in Hillsborough County. For Pinellas County there were 478 crashes and 15 fatalities for bicyclists. That is more than 900 bicycle crashes in Tampa Bay for the year 2021.
What is often overlooked and lost in these shocking numbers is the cost to the injured cyclist. Medical bills have to be paid. For many there are lost wages for time missed from work. There are the physical injuries to the rider. This is often in addition to the disruption to the family members of the injured cyclist.
Another disturbing fact is that deaths of pedestrians in Pinellas County increased significantly in 2021. Combined deaths of cyclists and pedestrians in Pinellas County nearly doubled from 2020 to 2021, to a total of 85 deaths in 2021.
When you have an average of 900 bicycle crashes in Tampa Bay in one year and 85 deaths just in Pinellas County for cyclists and pedestrians, those are astounding numbers. They are also astounding and profound losses for those families whose loved ones were severely injured or lost their lives in crashes with automobiles.
We know there is little protection for the rider in a bicycle-versus-auto crash. Certainly, there is less protection when a pedestrian is hit by an automobile.
We fight for injured cyclists and pedestrians and their families.